3 Important Things to Consider Before You Chose Your PhD Supervisor

Peter Rosso
2 min readApr 8, 2022

Your supervisor could make the difference between failure and success in your PhD.

Are you planning to do a PhD and there is no way I can dissuade you? If that’s the case, take a little longer to make sure who you want to work with. Your supervisor shouldn’t only be a person who knows something you want to get better at, but they will help you in a lot of other ways.

Let me give you some points worth considering when looking for the person who will be helping you get at the end of your research.

Do you need a generalist or a specialist?

Generalists know a bit of everything; specialists are extremely good at one thing.

Do you need specific insight into your subject, or a person with a broader knowledge? Are you trying to get good at a particular technique, or are you trying to bridge different fields? A supervisor is likely to be better at one than the other.

Are you good with project management?

When I started my PhD, I was an absolute disaster.

I found that having a very organised supervisor helped me rise to their standards over time.

Do You Need Regular Meetings?

Some lecturers like letting their PhD work independently, while others want to have regular briefs on their progress.

Ask around to other students what your supervisor might be like. There is no need to go into excessive gossip, but being aware of what kind of supervising style your supervisor might help you make the best choice for you.

Despite a lot of supervisors not believing in this,, a PhD is a partnership, and if you don’t have a person you can harmoniously work with and who has got your back when you need, it will be harder for you to succeed.

Good luck!

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Peter Rosso

I *mostly* explore topics on how to think better and manage your energy and then write about them. My ADHD might derail me.🎓 Final year PhD (Refactoring CAD)