Three Things You Don’t Do Yet That Will Protect Your Teeth

Peter Rosso
2 min readAug 25, 2022


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

As a student, it is easy not to take care of your dental health, so let me give you three tips.

I have just been to my dentist and asked them a few questions. In the past, I have not given my teeth as much attention as I should have. Between the constant lack of money and time, it is easy to overlook your dental health.

Let me save you some money with three little tips.

1. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes

Split your mouth into four quadrants and try to brush your teeth for at least 30s for quadrants.

An article in the British Dental Journal reported [1] that brushing your teeth in between 2 and 3 minutes is ideal. Two minutes is the optimal amount of time for plaque-removing efficiency. Be careful, though: there is also such a thing as brushing for too long as it might damage your teeth.

2. Don’t rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth

Most people rinse their mouth after brushing, but that’s a mistake.

Toothpaste contains a lot of elements that are meant to protect your teeth or your gums. To let the toothpaste work its magic, you must leave it on for longer than two minutes. Rinsing your mouth with water removes the toothpaste and reduces their protective action on your teeth.

3. Keep your mouth closed while sleeping

Keeping your mouth closed during your sleep

People who sleep with their mouths open let their saliva dry. Consequently, they lose the saliva’s protective layer to the teeth. Since this is out of your control, you might want to try to sleep with mouth tape (you can find some in pharmacies)

These are all small changes that, hopefully, you can easily incorporate into your habits.

[1] “Motivation to brush for two minutes”, British Dental Journal, vol. 220, no. 5, Art. no. 5, Mar. 2016, doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2016.193.

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Peter Rosso

I *mostly* explore topics on how to think better and manage your energy and then write about them. My ADHD might derail me.🎓 Final year PhD (Refactoring CAD)